A full suite of indoor air quality solutions from Bryant
It’s shocking. The air inside your home can be up to five times more polluted than the air outside.1 Pet dander, cleaning products, building materials, cooking residue and even air-tight construction techniques and materials all contribute to the problem. Do something about it with our full line of indoor air quality products, available from your local Bryant contractor.

Inactivates 99% of select airborne viruses and bacteria trapped in the filter, including coronavirus. 2
View Air Purifier
Target unwanted odors and reduce microorganism growth on the evaporative coil.3
View Carbon Air Purifiers
Balance humidity levels inside your home to help prevent environments where mold and bacteria grow.
View Humidifiers

When added to your heating and cooling system, these products may help reduce the following:

To test your home’s air quality and learn which solutions may be right for you, contact your local Bryant contractor.
1 According to the EPA
2 Demonstrated effectiveness against murine coronavirus, ≥ 99% of which is inactivated in less than three hours during independent third-party disinfection tests. Murine coronavirus is closely related to the human novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Accordingly, the product can be expected to be effective against SARS-CoV-2 when used in accordance with its directions for use. Third-party testing (2012, 2007) also shows ≥ 99% inactivation rate for common cold surrogate, Streptococcus pyogenes and human influenza in less than three hours. Airborne viruses must flow through your HVAC system and be trapped by the Evolution filter to be inactivated. The Evolution Air Purifier achieves a MERV 15 rating based on third-party testing (2012) showing 95% of particles size 1.0 to 3.0 microns captured and 85% of particles size 0.3 to 1.0 microns captured. Learn the science at bryant.com/purifier.
3 The efficacy of the Carbon Air Purifier with UV (UVCAPXXC2015) to remove Escherichia coli (>99%), Staphylococcus epidermidis (>99.9%), Coronavirus 229E (95%) and MS-2 bacteriophage (>99.99%) from treated surfaces after 24 hours was demonstrated in an ASTM E3135-18 test conducted by a third-party laboratory under ambient temperature and humidity conditions.